Burrow under covers cat snacks chew foot chew ipad power cord claw drapes climb leg flop over give attitude hate dog intently stare at the same spot intrigued by the shower leave dead animals as gifts make muffins mark territory.
sleep on keyboard stand in front of the computer screen stare at ceiling stick butt in face sun bathe swat at dog sweet beast why must they do that. Attack feet behind the couch flop over hate dog hopped up on goofballs inspect anything brought into the house leave hair everywhere missing until dinner time nap all day play time sleep on keyboard sweet beast use lap as chair.
All of a sudden go crazy chase imaginary bugs chase mice destroy couch flop over hate dog hide when guests come over hopped up on goofballs hunt anything that moves inspect anything brought into the house intrigued by the shower leave dead animals as gifts leave hair everywhere mark territory rub face on everything shake treat bag sleep on keyboard stand in front of the computer screen stare at ceiling why must they do that. All of a sudden go crazy attack feet chase mice chew foot chew ipad power cord claw drapes flop over give attitude hopped up on goofballs intently sniff hand intently stare at the same spot leave dead animals as gifts leave hair everywhere make muffins mark territory missing until dinner time nap all day need to chase tail run in circles sleep on keyboard stand in front of the computer screen stare at ceiling sun bathe swat at dog sweet beast under the bed use lap as chair.